Creating a community where people are
welcomed home...built up...and sent out.
Crossroads isn’t just some place where we do church...it’s a community where we do FAMILY. And here’s what that means: No matter what your family experience has been in the past, we want this community of faith to become the family you always longed for, a place of real connection and belonging...with God, and His Church. No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you come from, we want this to be the family who always says with our words and our actions, “Welcome Home.”
We believe in discipleship, when those who are welcomed in begin to take the next steps of growth on their journey. Whether spiritually, emotionally, or relationally, we love seeing people built up, and grow to become all that God has created them to be.
Our goal is to foster environments where that growth is facilitated, encouraged and championed in everything we say and do.
Finally, we believe people were created on purpose...FOR a purpose. One of the most fulfilling things in life is to discover who it is you were created to be, and to live that out. This is especially true when you are living for something bigger than yourself as part of God’s family.. So at Crossroads, our hope and goal is to help people discover their unique calling in that family, and to begin to live that out in their everyday lives. We like to call this living on mission. And when YOUR relationship with God begins making a difference in the lives of your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, you are truly living on mission.
Core value one
We were created to love, worship and serve God forever.
(Mark 12:30, Ephesians 2:10)
core value two
God is who He says He is and His word is our foundation.
(Numbers 23:19, Exodus 34:5-7, 2 Timothy 3:16)
core value three
Lost people matter to God.
(Luke 19:10)
core value four
We welcome people from all cultures and backgrounds.
(Revelation 7:9)
core value five
We are committed to grow in our relationship with Christ.
(Colossians 2:6-7)
core value six
Jesus still heals today.
(Hebrews 13:8)
core value seven
Prayer changes everything.
(James 5:16, Mark 11:22-24, Matthew 18:18-20)
core value eight
The Holy Spirit empowers ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
(1 Corinthians 12, 1 Corinthians 14, Romans 12, Ephesians 3:20, Ephesians 4)
core value nine
We are a family and better together.
(1 Corinthians 12, Galatians 6:10)

Crossroads was founded 1995. After a few weeks of inviting and recruiting a core group of committed people, our first official meeting was in the upstairs of an office building with 35 people in attendance. We immediately outgrew that facility and then moved to a number of locations including a delicatessen, a Boy Scout hut, a poolside, and then, a roller rink. From there we rented a warehouse and called this our home for the next number of years. We purchased 16 acres of land and were given, through an amazing miracle, an additional 6 acres of land on which we built our current structure.
Our history declares something of our DNA. First, we believe the church is not a location or a building but is a group of faithful believers gathered together to love God, love people, and to win this world for Christ. We will always do whatever is necessary to reach one more person for our Lord. In addition, we will always endeavor to join God for the next adventure on which He takes us.
We believe in the Trinity: There is only one God and He is eternally existent in three persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God is good and that He desires to have relationship with man.
The Father
The Father is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He created man in love and in His own image for the purpose of fellowship. After the fall and rebellion of man, He sent His own Son to destroy the works of the devil and provide a way for man to have restored relationship with Him.
The Son
Jesus Christ is the beloved Son of God who was with the Father and Holy Spirit from the beginning. He lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days, conquering death and demonstrating His power over sin and death.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God, the Lord and giver of life, who was active in the Old Testament and given to the Church in fullness at Pentecost. He comforts and sustains believers and empowers them for service and witness, cleanses man from the old nature and conforms us to the image of Christ. The baptism in the Holy Spirit releases the fullness of the Spirit and is evidenced by the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the infallible, inspired Word of God. It is the source of all doctrine, instruction, correction and reproof and contains all that is needed for Christian beliefs and conduct.
God walked with man in perfect relationship, but through the sin of one man (Adam), all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. The relationship was broken and death was the result.
The Good News
God reached out to us by sending His only Son to redeem us. Christ’s death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world. We could not have restored our relationship with God by our own self-improvement or good works, but only through receiving the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Christian Life
In response to God’s love for us, we can’t help but love Him and love others. With joy, we obey His commandment of making disciples of all people. He has called us to a life of intimacy with Him through worship, prayer, Bible study, community and serving others. We believe the chief end of humanity is to love God and enjoy Him forever.